Thursday, July 25, 2019



TheVietnamese hot rolled coil market continues to drift with bids lagging behindoffers, Kallanish notes. Buyers currently lack interest tobook new cargoes because they are full and Indian material is readilyavailable.

贸易商说,印度产SAE 1006 2mm及以上热轧卷主流报盘为515-520美元/cfr越南,8月船期,但未吸引到购买意向。
Offers forIndian-origin SAE 1006 2mm and up thickness HRC for August shipment areprevailing at $515-520/tonne cfr Vietnam but these are not attractingbuying interest, traders say.

一家中国一线钢厂的2mmSAE 1006热轧卷报盘为525美元/cfr。巴西2mm SAE 1006热轧卷报盘也在相同水平。这两个报盘均是9月船期,巴西货物运输时间较长,预计将在10月底到货。一位贸易商说,在目前悲观的市场环境下,这将招致更多风险。
A Tier 1Chinese mill's offer for 2mm base thickness SAE 1006 HRC is at $525/t cfr. Anoffer for 2mm base SAE 1006 HRC from Brazil, meanwhile, is at this same level.While both offers are for September shipment, the one from Brazil would involvea much longer voyage time, with expected arrival at end-October. Thiswould incur more risk in today’s bearish market, a trader says.

上周印度SAE 1006热轧卷成交价约为510-512美元/cfr越南。印度一位贸易商说,目前印度国内热轧卷市场表现不佳。他表示,铁矿石价格上涨对印度钢厂的影响不大,所以他们有更大的降价空间。不过,8月印度雨季结束后,国内销量将会好转。
Last week,deals for Indian SAE 1006 HRC took place at around $510-512/t cfr Vietnam. TheIndian domestic HRC market is currently not performing well, an Indian tradersays. As Indian mills are less affected by the iron ore rally,they may have more scope to reduce prices, he notes. But their domesticsales will get better when the monsoon season in India ends in August, he adds.

一些越南贸易人士说,越南国内生产商台塑河静钢厂9月船期的热轧卷价格上调25美元/吨,但私下已经开始提供5-10美元/吨的折扣。上周该公司宣布SAE 1006热轧卷基价为541美元/cif越南。市场人士说,热轧卷市场疲弱的根本原因在于,下游钢材市场需求低迷(另见报道)。
DomesticVietnamese producer Formosa Ha Tinh has privately conceded to a $5-10/tdiscount off its price hike of $25/t for its September shipments for HRC,certain Vietnamese trading sources say. Last week, the producer’sannounced base price for its SAE 1006 HRC was $541/t cif Vietnam. Theunderlying reason for the weak HRC market is due to sluggish demandfor downstream steel, market sources say (see separate report).

Vietnam’sdomestic mills are offering hot-dipped galvanized steel at VND 16,500-17,100/kg($708-733/t) for Z80 coil, inclusive of 10% VAT. This is VND 100/kg ($4/t)higher than in early June. In Manila, Chinese hot-dipped Z80 is currentlypriced at $610/t cfr Manila, up $35 from early June.

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