Sunday, March 4, 2012

Short Sobeth of Shaykh Mehmet Live from Lefke, Cyprus : Az Yemek - كلوا اقل - Eat Less

Short Sobeth Delivered by Shaykh Mehmat 

Short Summery (English Version)

Shaykh Mehmet delivers a short sohbat on the importance of being careful about what and how much you eat because it has spiritual as well as physical consequences.

Audhu Billahi min al shaytan al rajim, Bismillahi r-Rahman r-Rahim.
Assalatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammad Sayyidi l Awwalin wa l-Akhirin.
Madad Ya Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al Haqqani, dastur!
Tariqatuna sohbah wa l-khayri fi jamia'- Our way is through association & 
blessings is in the gathering.
We are making a short sohbat today after dhuhr, with Mawlana's permission.
We are trying to give advice here about the small things
that Mawlana does not look to.
As for the manners of the tariqat follower-those who have just started
or have been on this path (for a while), 3 things are very important on this way:
To eat less, sleep less, and speak less.
Today we may speak only about eating less, we will speak on the others later.
This matter of "eating" is important,
something Mawlana also always warns about:
People in old times would eat one kind- course meal only. There was not much
but they were healthier, stronger. Now, in this time
there are all kinds of foods available. People eat too much.
What they eat now...The orders of tariqat, Subhan Allah, are already
for the good of people- not only for the mureeds but for all mankind.
When people start a meal, they eat everything
without looking what is in it. There are many kinds of
poisonous foods, without checking what is inside if it is halal or haram.
Especially eating outside, in these restaurants is even more unsuitable.
Meaning, it is very dangerous to eat outside at places
where you are not 100 % sure (of what you eat).
Because if you eat unknowingly, there is no haram but
once that poison is in the food, it harms you-harms your spirituality
as well as harming your physical being, your body.
Therefore being shameless & eating too much..
When you eat something too much, you already got fed up with it.
Before people would eat meat every once in a while. They would appreciate it.
Now they eat everyday, they are saying meat has become expensive.
However it has become too cheap, everybody is able to eat everyday!
One must be careful about this point as well!
But when you come to dargah, it is shifa-cure, with Allah's permission-
you can eat as much as you like. We are not saying this, but in your own house,
in your own place, there is no need to make your children eat too much.
Once your child ate & got full, it is ok, enough.
When you start with Bismillah, and finish with Fatiha
it becomes a shifa-healing insha Allah.
When we say "eat less";you can still eat in normal amount, don't eat excessively.
There is permission to eat within limits but be careful about what you eat.
This is the first matter, others we say later insha Allah.
The other two matters, we speak in other sohbats, insha Allah.
Today's sohbat is, for mureeds. There are 3
subjects they must take care of- who are following tariqat & mureeds.
For human beings this is also very good. What Tariqa orders
it is good for all people. But if people can't do, so nevermind.
We don't tell for our people also.
First is to not eat too much. Second one, don't sleep too much.
Third one is, don't speak too much. Today is only for eating we speak.
Because eating, all in this coming from stomach.
So when you eat little bit, it will be that you save in this first.
And this nowadays, for food you don't know what is inside it.
Especially for resturants, or what you eat outside
it is too dangerous to eat there.
Even many, what they mix with meat you don't know.
If you eat like this it is ok, there is no haram.
You do this without knowing. But it is harming you,
for your spiritual & physical (beings)- this meat.
For this, if you are not sure 100% from the restaurants, don't go there.
And, we see this for the children also.
Many families say, "my children are not eating". They insist "eat, eat, eat.."
Whatever amount the child eats, it is enough for him. Don't force him to eat.
But this is for people in their houses, you do this.
But when you come here, Alhamdulillah here this is shifa,
and the clean food here, and barakah.
You can eat here. We are not saying this for here.
Alhamdulillah, barakah of Mawlana.
This is dargah food, all shifa-pure.
Other subjects, we speak later insha Allah.
Wa min Allah at-tawfiq, Al Fatiha.

(Turkish Version)
Seyh Mehmet Efendi, ruhaniyet ve cismaniyetlerine verebilecegi zararlar nedeniyle insanlarin ne yediklerine, ve ne kadar yediklerine dikkat etmeleri konusunda kisa bir sohbet verdi.

Audhu Billahi min al shaytan al rajim, Bismillahi r-Rahman r-Rahim.
As salatu wa al salamu ala Rasuluna Muhammad Seyyidi al Awwalin wal Akhirin.
Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al Haqqani, dastur!
Tarikatuna sohbetun ve hayru fi cemiyye- Tarikatimiz sohbetle ve hayir cemiyetle.
Seyh Efendi'nin emriyle kisa bir sohbet yapiyoruz, bugün öglenden sonra.
Bugün Seyh Efendi'nin, öyle ufak tefek bakmadigi seyleri
tembih etmeye ugrasiyoruz burada.
Tarikat sahibinin adabindan,
yeni baslayanlar yahut bu yolda olanlar, 3 sey çok mühimdir tarikat için:
Az yemek, az uyumak, az konusmak.
Bugün yalniz az yemekten konusalim, ötekileri baska günler konusuruz.
Bu yemek meselesi mühimdir, Seyh Efendinin de devamli tembih ettigi.
Eski zamanda tek çesit yerdi insanlar. Fazla birsey yoktu ama daha sihhatliydi,
daha kuvvetliydi. Simdiki zaman
hertürlü yiyecek var, fazla fazla yiyor insanlar.
Simdi yedikleri sey..Zaten Sübhan Allah bu tarikatin emirleri, insanin faydasi
içindir. Sirf müridler için degil de, insanlarin da faydasi için oluyor.
Insan yemek yiyecegi vakit, hiç bakmadan ne var ne yok içinde, herseyi yiyor.
Çesit türlü zehirli gidalar, helal haram ne var ne yok içinde bakmadan.
Hele bilhassa disarida bu lokantalarda yemek daha mahsurdur.
Yani bilmediginiz yerlere, %100 emin olmadiginiz seyde yemek
çok tehlikelidir.
Çünkü bilmeyip yersen, hadi günaha gitmiyorsun anladik da,
o zikkim içine girdi mi hem sana zarar veriyor, ruhaniyetine zarar veriyor.
Hem de cismine, vücuduna zarar vermis oluyor.
Onun için yani fazla arsizlik yapip da yemek..
Zaten fazla yedin mi birseyi, bikiyor insan.
Eskiden insan ayda yilda bir et yerdi. Etin tadini bilirdi.
Simdi hergün et yiyor, hayvanlar pahali oldu diyorlar.
Halbuki çok ucuz oldu. Herkes et yiyebiliyor her gün.
Ona da dikkat etmek lazim.
Ama simdi dergaha geldiginiz vakit, dergahta sifadir Allah'in izniyle.
Istediginiz kadar yiyebilirsiniz. O degil de, kendi evinizde
yerinizde çoluk çocuga fazla fazla yedirmeye de gerek yok.
Çocuk yedi mi, doydu mu, tamam yeter.
Besmele ile baslayip, Fatiha ile tamamladiniz mi
sifa olur Allah'in izniyle.
Yani az yemek dedigimiz de, gene normal yiyin de asiriya kaçmayin.
Onda bu zamanin müsadesi var yani de, ama yediginize dikkat edin.
Bu birincisidir, ötekilerine daha sonra söyleriz insallah.
Iki mevzuyu daha baska sohbetlerde anlatiriz insa Allah.

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