Sunday, July 15, 2012

What It Takes to Be a Great Manager?

Have you been recently promoted to a managerial role? Congratulations! It might seem to you that being a manager is all about delegating tasks, monitoring the work of your employees and sitting in a luxurious office. And, of course, you also get higher salary and more perks. While all this is true, there is more to this role than you might have imagined. You are now challenged to establish influence and win trust of your employees and superiors at the same time. When going up the ladder to become a great manager, the following points might help you in the journey:
The price you have to pay
No matter how anxious or apprehensive you feel, you need to be mindful that you have been selected for this role because of your abilities. However, the downside is that now you are accountable for not just your actions but those of your team as well. You will not be able to watch over all employees all the time but if anything goes wrong, you will be held responsible. Being at the top is also going to make you lonely. In order to make tough and important decisions, it is sometimes necessary that you stay aloof and distant from your subordinates.
Tread carefully
Being at a higher post means you need to be more careful of all you do. Making mistakes would only make others feel that you were probably not the best choice for the job and you would be giving way to many other potential opportunists hunting for such positions.
Learn to live like a celebrity
As a manager, you are going to be more talked about than before. Be it dinner conversations or gossip at tea breaks, people are going to be discussing your words and actions. It is, therefore, important to be formal and rational at all times.
Management of workforce
For smooth functioning, it is essential that you first build trust with your employees. Be a role model for them that they can look up to all the time, especially in moments of distress. You should also be able to look into capabilities of people and assign tasks accordingly. Saying the right words to the right people at the right time is what turns a good manager into a great manager. And while doing so, you must remember that listening is equally important in building confidence in your employees so that they perform better. Appreciate them when they perform well and suggest solutions and remedies when they don’t.

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