Power Station Relieves Pressures
 An oil-fired power station with 1,000 mW capacity replaced hydraulic actuators because of high-operating pressures and leaks from the use of hydraulic oils. Valve User reports that 16 linear stroke and lever arm actuators were replaced on reheat and super heater dampers, and induced draft and forced draft fan discharge dampers. Actuators are operated by a power control system utilizing 4-20 mA signals for position demand and feedback.
Actuator Advances Make Top Five List
Design News has named integrated actuators one of 2011's top five technology advancements. Actuator advances included all-in-one packages with advanced controls and improved network connectivity. Other technologies of note include network safety, Ethernet and wireless networks, smartphones, and a simulation software package that allows players to manage three manufacturing plants.
Keeping Seals Intact
 Ball valves used in process line control operations can face seal destroying solvents, says Process Industry Informer. In one gas cleaning and sweetening process, a ball valve faced high-operating pressures, glycol-based solvents, and rapid gas decompression that attacked valve seals and O-rings in the valve seat. Perfluoroelastomer seal products withstood the solvent chemistry and other challenges to improve seal life, prevent premature valve leaks, and reduce costs.
Valve Types Critical for Successful Operation
 Each industry has unique valve requirements, and Design World looks at several types, including poppet designs, which have fast response rates, and a tolerance for debris. The diaphragm-poppet design valve has no sliding seals and is pressure unbalanced. The spoppet combines poppet and spool valve designs and provides the benefits of the poppet design with reduced sensitivity to lubrication. Spool-design valves are cost-effective for 4-way valves.
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Series 8200/8300 Safety Relief ValveTaylor Valve Technology, Inc.
HV Gate Valve for Harsh ProcessesVAT, Inc.
 Taylor Valve 8200/8300 Safety ReliefValves are engineered and manufactured to the highest standards and feature a "state-of-the-art" soft seat which ensures a bubble-tight seal for hundreds of "pops". Our unique, patented radius disc design further guarantees a reliable reseat even under the most difficult conditions.
 Designed for harsh process conditions such as PV, glass coating etc., VAT's Series 091 bellows-sealed gate valves feature a wedge sealing system that eliminates the guidance bearings, lubrication, and complex sealing mechanisms found on conventional HV gate valves making this valve an excellent choice for vacuum isolation in harsh process environments. Learn more.
Rogan Designs New Widget!Rogan Corporation
Model 1025 Cavitron In-line EmulsifierARDE Barinco, Inc.
 Rogan introduces a new generation of bondable liquid silicone rubber (LSR). Utilizing LSR's heat, chemical resistance, and ability to form a molecular bondable material allows designers to develop highly reliable components that meet demanding performance and cost requirements. Rogan Corporation has been providing customers with quality, cost, and delivery for 75 years.
Valve Tackles Toxic Dust
 Australia has quickened installation of water-fluoridation plants, and as plants have gotten larger and more prevalent, the need to control fluoride dust has also increased, according to Process Online. A flow control valve cinches the bag containing fluoridate material, such as sodium silicofluoride powder, to isolate the bag in case of an emergency, keep moisture out, and allow partially empty bags to remain in place until more material is needed.
Keeping Greens Green at Less Cost
 For many water utilities, golf coursesare their largest water consumer, especially during warmer months when demand is at its greatest. Improving water usage is doable, however, according to a water conservation group. Water meters are one answer, and one company offers a 3-way PVC ball valve for use upstream and downstream of the meter to better manage water usage.
Silence Becomes Golden for Refinery's Neighbors
 Neighbors of a California refinery were kept up at night by a loud, whining sound emanating at all hours of day from the facility, says Valve Magazine.Engineers struggled to find the source. Vibration analysis pinpointed the problem, finding that tolerances between plug assemblies and quench valves were too large, which caused vibration and resonance. A new cage-guided valve design and digital valve control solved the noise problem.
New, Improved Equation Simplifies Valve Sizing
 Mastering a new equation can simplify proper sizing of pressure-relief valves for critical flow of gases or vapors. The equation uses real gas specific heat ratio. In this Hydrocarbon Processingstory, the equation is compared to the conventional API sizing equation (Standard 520). A critical-flow equation with the isentropic flash is introduced as a recommended estimation tool when gas or vapor deviates significantly from ideal conditions.
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VPAC™ Valve Leak Detection and Quantification SystemsMISTRAS NDT
1100-Series 30 in. x 36 in. Duplex Sewage Ejector SystemLiberty Pumps
 Approved for use in EPA's GHGRP. MISTRAS' VPAC™ line of digital Acoustic Emission leak detectors correctly detect through valve leaks estimating the quantity of material leaking through the valve. The new VPAC™II determines if valves are leaking, where they're leaking, and the rate they're leaking. More information on our VPAC™ line.
 For multi-unit residential and commercial installations requiring the security of two pumps, Liberty's 1100-series provides the assurance of uninterrupted operation. Factory pre-assembled with any of Liberty's LE-Series sewage pumps — you select the pump and control panel, we build the system for you!
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