Thursday, April 5, 2012

Unspoken Secrets

Unspoken Secrets
by Lynette Mather
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The day started out much like any other day in Kimmy Washington’s life, except for the dark swirl of mist that she discovered outside her bedroom window this morning when she awoke. Being the brave teen that she is, she opened the window and watched the dark mist slowly enter her room, where it drifted over to her bedroom door, opened it, and slowly made its way down the hall to her parent’s bedroom. Kimmy followed it, and slipped into her parent’s room, undetected, she hoped, because if her mother ever found out Kimmy was in her room without permission she would be grounded until she turned eighteen. In Kimmy’s calculation that was five years away, so she made sure she stayed as quiet as possible, as she watched the mist travel over to a wall. The mist removed a mirror and Kimmy noticed a dark blue circle. Somehow, the mist opened the circle and Kimmy saw a key, which immediately illuminated the entire room. Kimmy watched in fascination and horror as the mist placed the key in her hand. She studied it for a moment not knowing what any of it meant, and when she heard the stairs creek, she knew her mother was coming. Kimmy slowly opened her parent’s bedroom door saw the hallway was clear, and walked quickly to her room. Once she closed her bedroom door, she watched the mist travel back over to her window, and float outside. She raced over to it, but the mist was gone, it had completely vanished. When she placed the key in her pocket she felt her heart beating as if it were in a race against time. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down, and wondered again what just happened. Why was the strange mist outside her window? What was the key to, and why did the mist give it to her? What was she suppose to do with it now? She got up off the bed, grabbed her cell phone and called her best friend Bobby Martin. When he didn’t answer, she walked into her closet, and that’s when the door slammed shut, and a warrior looking man that Kimmy had once seen in her history book at school, appeared. “Who areyou?” Kimmy demanded her blue eyes ablaze with anger. “I am Onebuyo,and you are Kimmy?” He crinkled his nose. “Yeah that’s right I am. Got a problem with that?” Kimmy folded her arms. The warrior shrugged.“No, it’s just not a very strong name.” “Says who?” Kimmy asked. “Says everyone that I know.” The warrior watched her with his penetrating blue eyes, and Kimmy noticed how his long, dark hair touched the collar of his shirt. “Who are you, and why are you in my bedroom?” Kimmy raised her voice. “I’m Onebuyo, and I come with news about your life.” “What news, and how do you know about my life?” “I know all there is to know about you. So hush so I can relay the message I was sent here to deliver.” “How do you know me,and you better talk fast, I’m giving you three seconds before I scream.” “That’s a human trait, huh? The screaming?” the warrior asked. “I guess, now hurry up,” Kimmy said, as her heart raced once again. The warrior watched her before he spoke, “your spirit is strong, but you do have a hard time listening. ” “Oh, I listen when it’s important. So get on with it.” “Okay, but try not to interrupt.” When Kimmy remained quiet the warrior continued, “Today you will meet your best friend Bobby Martin at the fountain. Today is the day you will tell him about the dark swirl that was outside your window. The one you let into the house without permission. The one who went into your parent’s room, and invaded their privacy. The mist that gave you the key, you were not supposed to know about, yet. Once you’re finished telling him about the dark mist, you will tell him about the dreams you’ve been having about your grandmother. Once this is complete you shall tell him about your friend, Camille. After this is done, be prepared for your life to change forever. After today things will never be the same again. Keep your eyes opened for the dangers that await you at every turn. Be advised that some of the new people you meet you can trust. The others you can’t. Your journey will be difficult,but the first seal of your fate was broken when you let the mist into this house, the second, when you accepted the key. Now the rest will unfold as quickly as your heart is racing. Do you understand?” Kimmy stared at him as she chewed her bottom lip. “No, none of this makes any sense.” “It will.” The warrior nodded as if he were agreeing with what he had just said. “But it doesn’t, so why don’t you leave the way you came in?” As Kimmy watched, the warrior faded, and before she knew it, he was gone. She glanced around her walk in closet, and realized she was alone, so she reached in her pocket, felt the key nestled there, and grabbed her cell phone. The sooner she got a hold of Bobby the better.

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