Friday, December 21, 2012

5 powerful automation tools end mind-numbing repetition

Dec 13, 2012 3:30 AM
Once again, you find yourself sitting in front of your computer, eyes glazing over as you press the same sequence of buttons over and over to get something done. Maybe you had to create a complex folder hierarchy for a set of projects. Or maybe you had to copy, paste, and format the same sort of data multiple times. Whatever the task was, it probably wasn't much fun. The good news is that you can code your way out of such busywork, even if you're not a programmer. Here are five powerful automation tools that can help.Note: Within the article the linked product names take you to their individual reviews. "Product Information" links on those pages go to pages where "Download Now" buttons will download trial versions or take you to a developer's site where you can get it. (VBA and PowerShell are exceptions. Their locations are explained in the article.)
»Keep reading the review

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